Friday 16 October 2015

The Funny of JOGER

In the past (before 1981) words or a combination of five letters J + O + G + E + R have not been there, or at least we have never seen or heard used anywhere in Bali Villa Accommodation , anytime and by anyone, but by the end of 1980, when we are planning to choose a name for our small shop which time it will be open in jl.Sulawesi 37, Denpasar (right in front of Pasar Badung - the largest traditional market in Bali), by the trade office, we requested and even required to choose a name for our store, so that our stores can be distinguished with shops others who of course are also or even have a name, such as Toko Sinar Mas, the Free Store, Toko Jaya Abadi, Toko Cheap, Simple and so other shops, but we or I (Joseph Theodorus Wulianadi) who was born on 9 months 9 1951 (on a bed) in the city of Denpasar near Bali Holiday Villas (capital of Bali), which apparently was already accustomed to being "other than the other" (like eccentric) that time as usual or naturally, a subjective, autonomous (independent) and reasonable refused to name our shop with a common name or let alone the smell "public domain". 

And as well as I do, when I rose (for several days) to play the brain (thinking / arguing with myself), contemplate and meditate to fiddling with a few letters or words to be processed into a minimal name should really uniek And it's not just a coincidence that we / Bali Villa Accommodation chose five letters reads JOGER to call our store we will open when it is being taken care of its trading license. Because the combined five-letter reads JOGER it deliberately we made not only because it is truly like no other, but also because of the name / term / sound JOGER it is also a goodwill / intentions / desires / goals / intentions are pure popping in and out from the deepest bottom of our hearts to remember and / or appreciate the kindness Mr.Gerhard Seeger former school friend of my first (in Hotelfachshule, Bad Wiesee, West Germany, 1970) who have donated fresh funds amounting to US $ 20,000 as our wedding gift (my wife and my beloved Ery Kusdarijati) where the name JOGER (letter E was read as "E" in call "GOOD" or "ECONOMY") it is a merger between two letters of the first name I Joseph Theodorus Wulianadi with a three-letter first name Our friend Mr. Gerhard Seeger, where in addition to really reads the new (pure hasiinovasi us / not other people's work / not public domain), different and uniek, it turns out the name of JOGER it was also easy to remember, good to hear, smell manly and we also certainly true -Right like the name and the sound JOGER as Bali Holiday Villas Seminyak know. 

Then starting on January 19, 1981 (the day of birth JOGER), name JOGER it was practical, de facto and completely open (in the forum Publicum) we used to call our store first, because at that time in addition to including it in the license trade Our name has also been directly JOGER we put on shop signs kami.yang this time (ma'af!) is still necessary and still be sounded and smelled westernized, namely "ART & BATIK SHOP JOGER" which we display at the upper front us. And store since it was also actually the name of pure JOGER is modified or created by me / us the start we made, keep, maintain and  moral values, social values, economic and spiritual in our gait as "entrepreneurs the artist "or" artist entrepreneurs "precisely by always being BAJU2RA6BER alias to be kind, honest, friendly, diligent, responsible, courageous, initiative, grateful and so we can be really beneficial not only for ourselves or our store narrowly only, but also beneficial for stakeholders (others) as well as for the environment supposedly equally we love and crave a natural preservation (fair and civilized) and continuous Bali Holiday Villas.

 Thus, before 19 Januari1981sama once there has never been another party who see, hear, wear, interested, concerned, establish, maintain and develop the name JOGER to be and can be a big name and fragrant that even often considered synonymous with T Shirt- T Shirt or T-shirts (T-shirts) and souvenir design with the words uniek / typical Mr. Joger that even though actually had the ability, opportunity and market demand is very big to open branches or expand anywhere, but because they feel and realize that we are not a tree should grow branches, nor a bird that must expand to and there, then since the date of July 7, 1987 (777), in addition to deciding to have only one store located in Jl. Raya Kuta (since the first was without number), Kuta, Bali alone, we also strictly limits the purchase of T-shirts (T-Shirts) JOGER, and also expressly prohibits the sale of all products trademarked, branded JOGER and signed JOGER for perjual traded as a commodity in the ordinary on the outside only our stores that since 1990 we have mentioned as a factory-word JOGER Rich (Jl Raya Kuta, Kuta, Bali). Thank you for your attention and your sympathy on JOGER small and ugly, but healthy and not this evil. 

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