Tuesday 15 September 2015

Pantai Bias Tugel

Padang Bay in Bali is known as the harbour to Nusa Penida or Lombok. When visiting here, do not rush away. A time to stop by the Coast Bias Tugel watery clear blue, but as hidden because tourists often miss. Padang Bay is where boats to Nusa Penida or leaning Lombok. Many a traveller who visited these ports, but not many who visited beaches nearby.There are two beaches, namely on the right and left the port of Padang Bay. Left the Blue Lagoon, while the right is Tugel Bias. The distance is approximately 1 Km, passing through the streets of a small but pretty good, followed by a walk to the beach.. Especially during the rainy season winds at night. Make sure if you want to vacation in Bali you remember BALIVILLA ACCOMMODATION.
Bias Tugel sand is white and very soft. The water is clear blue. The waves are not too big, so that tourists can swim and snorkel here. The beach was perfect for basking in the sun.Bias Tugel beach, Padang Bay, Bali. This beach was accidentally we found when looking for a snorkel in Padang Bay. From the beginning I was always curious about the snorkel locations in Padang Bay. After finding out here and there, eventually not only snorkel locations in Padang Bay alone I found, also the most beautiful white sand beaches in Bali!. In addition, if you want to enjoy the other attractions that you can go to our place in BALI HOLIDAY VILLAS here you can see so many attractions in Bali. And you can also see a lot of villas - very nice villa in BALI VILLA ACCOMMODATION, you definitely will not be disappointed here Karen villa complete with furniture.

Frankly I have never come across the beach in Bali which has sand that really white clean apart Coast Bias Tugel, so no exaggeration if I call the Coast Bias Tugel as most white sandy beaches in Bali. And do not forget to BALI HOLIDAY VILLAS here we have many things in Bali.

From the top of the hill, looked incredibly unique: a blend of white sandy beaches, waving palm trees, shades of blue sea and ferries that even looks like a cruise ship that was departing to / from the Port field Bay. Not to get to the beach we are very satisfied with enjoying the scenery has long do I have encountered.After coming down from the mountain through the path, came this stepping foot soft white sand beach Bias Tugel. Sea water looked so blue and very clear in the eyes as if teasing me.  Feel free to come and visit us at BALI HOLIDAY VILLAS SEMINYAK to look for beautiful places in Bali. And immediately check VILLA BALI.

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