Saturday 18 July 2015


Here is the interesting story from Bali Villa Accommodation for pig suckling, Sometime commencement of the Hindu community in Bali is very common make offerings "Babi Guling" in an event, whether piodalan, a good day, or just Nawur Sesangi (paid appointments). Why Nawur sesangi? Generally when people are facing a problem, or there is a certain desire such a promotion, a child can be schools, or healthy than sick, etc. then resignation apparently not quite so necessary struggle or promise anything to the Creator, or to not say do not know gratitude , then Hyang Whidi promised Babi Guling, when everything in the world including us are His creation, why should this be offered suckling pig to him ?.

Time is running and one day reached his intention, then the day is considered good sacrificed Babi Guling, supposing grace received, pork roll offered, such as barter grace exchanged with suckling pig. Other forms are offering suckling pig addressed to "Penunggun Reefs / Penglurah" real Bhuta (Bhuta god / guard of the Gods), if this is done then it is not Believest race on Hyang Whidi so it must ask the Bhuta. This phenomenon has been going on for generations and become a habit that many people who do not know or do not need to know whether the ways it is justified according to Hindu teachings. The question is whether such a mindset of the people of the meaning of offerings, before its fully arrive let's look at why there are offerings to Hyang Whidi Babi Guling or Penunggun Reef.

As Bali Villas known earlier times we do not yet know the name of the Hindu, as now, that there is a Mazab / sect / Pakse Ista Dewata protrusion which is specific, so there is: Sect Shiva, Vaishnava sect, sect Bhairawa, there is also a Buddhist sects, etc. where the century XI by MPU Kuturan in Bali already in-fusion into one with Ista Dewara Tri Murti worship in the form of Pelinggih Kemulan Rong Three and village level in the form of Pakraman with Pura Desa, Dalem, and Puseh. Apparently this fusion does not automatically eliminate one of them or bring something new altogether because the hallmark of the sect was still there, call it: Bhairawa sect mentioned in the prayers need to be drunk, so that can still be seen today Caru with wine / liquor, cutting the animal / animal blood, offering Babi Guling, even lawarpun supposedly relic of the sect Bhairawa, so now it is not easy to separate it from the habits of the people.

Whether later we stop eating or stop offering lawar Babi Guling? certainly before deciding it would be nice to be listened out what exactly is the meaning of sacrifice for us? To whom the offering? Hyang Whidi, Ista Dewata, Bhatara, Ancestor, or Bhuta Penunggun coral / Panglurah. Let us see first of attitude, it alone is distinguished, in Hyang Whidi attitude, Ista Dewata or Bhatara by hand are included didahi facing upwards, while the front of the nose to the ancestors, to fellow chest, and the chest bhuta facing downwards. Furthermore prayer means what?. Called in the Bhagavad-Gita as follows: "patram puspam phalam toyam, yo me bhaktya prayacchati, Tad AHAM-upahrtam bhakty Asmani prayatatmanah" (If someone presents leaf, flower, fruit or water, with bhakti love, I'll take it. Bhagavad-Gita 9:26 ), so there is never explicitly offerings with animals or pork roll. We see again the means of offerings: "Bantam Pejati", emphasizes the genuineness of our devotion, "holy offerings" contains a message at a time when praying pure heart, "Pareresik (Byekaon, durmenggala, Prayascita)" implies purification of natural Bhur three-Bwah-Swah workshops, in human beings Bhur = navel down, Bwah = navel to the neck, Swah = head, and other facilities such as Canang forms, and others, all praying it is precisely the message sanctity for the worshiper (Bhakta).

So how have the ability to present dance dance, which can beat the megamel, or who has offered mango mango trees, etc. Why is not it also be presented, it was all a "thank-you" for Hyang Whidi have given grace to us in the form of knowledge and agricultural products. Then is not it, that bolsters Babi also offered? For a thank-you very related to animals including pigs, there is a "tumpek cage" name, but on that day there was no slaughter of these animals! Indeed, there are villages disuatu author knows in connection with their pig breed, then presented the smallest pigs to be offered (in-rolling), but in fact it is not in line with the meaning tumpek cage, so just Dikai-associate in order to present the pork roll or can eat pork roll. If Bali Villa Accommodation asked for some people who offered suckling pig, generally they do not understand it influences Bhairawa sect, or did not question that there is a basic literary or not, they know they still love to eat pork roll and before eating the first devoted to Hyang Whidi so outworn / prasadam eaten so did not eat the sin.

At a glance it looks right, but there is a more striking, before slaughtering pigs do solicitation "tirta pengentas" so that the pig dikelahiran later could be better, for example, be a man because we Hindus believe in re-incarnation, and when it will enjoy it okay to pray first or prayed a thank-you for having awarded pork so that it can be eaten with the right (not eating sin). The author hopes, though not forced, slowly pleasure of eating meat including pork roll should be reduced if it can be eliminated, because when eating meat giant real properties that are still present in humans becomes dominant, should the properties of the dominant gods so that we do not need to eat meat, if possible, which is eaten is "Chess Kahuripan namely: leaves, fruits, flowers, roots / tubers, because these foods are healthy food hygiene is especially for those who are aged over 40 years. Further according to the teachings of Chess Hostel we can tread the third phase (Wanaprastha) to start a lot of studying the Vedas, often tirta-yatra began to mock or ruins, or doing japa home. With this pattern we have also been supporting the "Global Warming" because they mention animal slaughter and meat eating animals is also included which contribute to global warming.

Bali holiday Villas know this story is true, Finally whatever we do there will be a reward according to the teachings Kharma Phala, if that like to eat meat or not eating meat and even vegetarian, will be rewarded each, a minimum of health side that can not be exchanged by the pork roll, because health is associated with lifestyle, especially diet. May all beings love each other .. Aum.

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