Friday 16 October 2015

Bali Clothes

COMMUNITY Bali can be divided into two groups, Bali-Hindu and Bali-Aga. Bali-Hindu community are descendants of the Majapahit citizen who moved to the island around the thirteenth century. Bali Villa Accommodation knew Previous relationship between Bali and Majapahit in East Java has been established.

Since around the tenth century dharma king Udayana of Bali took the consort of East Java, named Mahendradatta (also the title of Sri Gunapryadharmapatni) which is a descendant of the king MPU Spoon. Marriage gave birth to Erland later crowned king in East Java, replacing the king who ruled in Sri Dharmawangsa 991-1007. When the Majapahit empire in decline and collapse, the faithful carry the remains of the Hindu Majapahit kingdom and fled to the east up to the island of Bali Holiday Villas Seminyak.

Bali-Hindu society which is part of most of the inhabitants of the island of Bali, generally inhabit the plains, to the west of the island of Lombok. They know the system of social stratification based on descent and groups that are patrilineal kin. Some clans have a history of descent or chronicle, Pamancangah each clan can be traced back to the Majapahit kingdom. There is a pride when their fathers turned out to have a blood relationship with kings or nobles of the kingdom of Majapahit era.

Based on the historical process of the clans of Bali plains composed into high and low coating influenced the caste system of Hindu religious scriptures Ancient, namely Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisya, and Sudra. A social system in Bali have the same designation that
Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Sudra. The first coating called triwangsa third, while the fourth coating called Jaba. Only a small portion of the people of Bali including triwangsa. However residents of large clans that included triwangsa spread throughout Bali Villa Accommodation. Instead the majority of the people of Bali including Jaba so their dynasty is at the majority of the population of Bali. Each layer holds a caste different. For example titles to the Brahmin caste is Ida Bagus for men and Ida Ayu for women, title to caste Knight is Cokorda, and for the people of Vaishya clan is Gusti.

Bali mating system is strongly influenced by the caste system. There is even a customary rule prohibiting marriage with a different caste. The system of social stratification is also influential in the customs, attitudes association, and speech language. Despite this difference does not affect the coating system of dress or jewelry.
Rali community-Aga less completely under the influence of the Majapahit Hindu-Javanese. Therefore the Bali Aga people have a different culture with Balinese Hindus in the plains. People who belong to the Bali-Aga inhabit this mountain villages around Sembiran, Cempaga, Sidatapa, Pedawa, Tigawangsa, Buleleng; and Pagringsingan Tenganan village in Karangasem.

Wastra Qringsing and auspicious Endek
No motives on clothes devoted to the nobility or king in Bali Holiday Villas Seminyak. This is in contrast with batik motifs in Java and is divided into certain strata. For example parang motif, kawung, and sebagainva specifically for the king or nobleman palace in Yogyakarta and Surakarta. Those who come from the common people is forbidden to wear it. Bali fabrics kinds of woven such as songket gold and silver threads and fabrics prada, the fabric was given decorative paint scratches gold, is the art of weaving that flourished in the palace and its surroundings, for example royal Gianyar, Buleleng, Badung and Karangasem. Approximately 16-19 century kings of Bali is very influential on the development of various types of art. At that time the performing arts and crafts / crafts including weaving art, is growing rapidly and is spread from the center of the kingdom to the villages. It can be said the development and distribution of Balinese art reached its peak at that time. No wonder if the current types of woven and manufacture of Prada is well known by the public until there is no restriction based on certain strata.

Fabrics, called wastra in Balinese, very important role in traditional ceremonies. From birth to death, from early morning when the sunrise to sunset, the Balinese live their lives with various ceremonies. Each ceremony is always equipped with good art performing arts, the art of gamelan music and dance accompanied by sparkling clothes. Ceremonies conducted civic nature, meaning that engages people. In traditional ceremonies, individuals and communities involved must wear fabrics or certain clothes. There are different types of fabrics used, among other things songket, ikat, alloy songket and ikat, double ikat or double ikat (fabric gringsing), weaving plain, to the striped fabric, the types of fabric to function according to their shape and size for example as a scarf , saput, Kamben, shawl, until headband / udheng (headband).

In Bali, the fabric is not only used to cover the body both for daily and during the ceremony. Fabrics are also used to decorate the temple ceremony places, houses, and in the center of the village. In fact, they believe there are certain fabrics that can serve as a repellent reinforcements. If someone is ill and his illness ascribed disorder evil spirits, then it can be cured by wearing certain fabrics.
Function fabrics Bali been reviewed by Anak Agung Muter and Ratmini Soedjatmoko in the book Anthology Wastra Bali Holiday Villas. Bali fabrics they split into three groups, namely wastra Sorcerer, wastra Greatness, and wastra Decorator.
Wastra Sorcerer is a fabric that is considered sacred and is closely linked with religious ceremonies. Serves as a protector, repellent reinforcements, cure diseases, and so forth. Fabrics that include, among other sacred gringsing, splash, and bebali. The types of magical cloth is made from cotton yarn decorated with ornaments and colors that have a particular meaning.

Wastra Qringsing
Wastra gringsing made of cotton yarn with decorative motifs formed of a double bind or double ikat, which is binding warp and weft threads at once. In addition in this area, usually ikat made by binding warp or weft threads alone. Double woven type is very rare, only in Japan, India, and Indonesia. Its manufacture requires a long time, ranging from one to five years, and be done with special techniques very difficult. Results so double ikat will form a geometric pattern matching neat and very beautiful.

Cloth / wastra gringsing is woven by villagers Tenganan Pagringsingan in Karangasem. But the process of dyeing indigo and brown colors are considered to be taboo if done in the village. Therefore, the color of indigo dyeing process carried out in the village of Bug-bug and red-brown in Nusa Penida. Immersion in the village of Bug-bug conducted with indigo leaves to produce color in Nusa Government of dyeing is done with the roots of noni / pace to produce a red-brown color.

Dyeing process begins with the binding of certain parts weft and warp corresponding desired motif. The goal is that part which is not affected by the current color tied dyed. Threads that have bound resebut then sent to the village of Bug-bug for dyed with indigo color. From here. threads opened bond and tied at the indigo. The yarns are then dyed with red-brown in Nusa Penida. Dyeing process with the roots of noni done many times to obtain a dark maroon color and graceful. There was also the result of yellow dye hazelnut and egg yolks pale as the base fabric with decorative be rash a brown and maroon.

The process of weaving is done after completion colored threads and ready to be woven. The yarns are woven with a tool called cagcag, namely traditional looms that use por-a kind of arc that hooked around the waist weaver as anchoring warp yarn stretch. This tool will produce a tubular fabric. After the cut follows the contours of the feed, the fabric will be a rectangle measuring 30-100 cm wide, 125-200 cm long. The edges can be left tenirai, but sometimes there are neatly trimmed. Other names gringsing fabric is a fabric gringsing cemplong, cempaka, and sananempeg.

The series of ceremonial dances, rituals, cutting teeth, and Ngaben
Motifs are frequently used in fabric gringsing very distinctive, among other Bah puppet motif taken from the story Mahabaratha. The same figures can be found on the reliefs of temples in East Java. Fabrics with puppet motif is often used in the dance-dance Rejang Abuang and typical Tenganan Pagringsingan-in ceremonies of sacred rituals in the village, both by men and women. Some ceremonies require the use of new fabrics that have not been used, so used wastra gringsing uncut and still tubular.

Outside the village of Tenganan. gringsing cloth worn under his head in gear cutting ceremony is a ceremony Metatah or mepandes. Gringsing fabric is also used in ceremonies menek daha (ceremonies marking puberty) and pemapah bride in a wedding ceremony. By shamans or healers, gringsing cloth is used to treat a sick person by way of covering the body or parts of the sick people with certain diseases. In addition to the important role in the ceremony, gringsing fabric is also used to decorate temples, shrines and towers in the cremation ceremony.

Wastra tube
Fabric tube is given the type of fabric decoration of certain feed belt technique called endek. The distinctive decorative red motifs, colorful, inspired by the motifs on fabrics patola cindai India. Fabric tube is considered sacred, and used to cover the coffin and also a special clothing worn by dancers Rangda in dramatari Calon Arang. In general, the fabric tube is made of woven silk on lungsinya yarn (yarn vertical). Usually wastra tube length of 1.20 and 240 cm and width 70 and 80 cm.
Wastra tube is derived from Nusa Penida, but in its development is also made in several other areas in Bali, however, there is specificity woven derived from Nusa Penida because it is made from woven cotton yarns are smooth and graceful.

The Funny of JOGER

In the past (before 1981) words or a combination of five letters J + O + G + E + R have not been there, or at least we have never seen or heard used anywhere in Bali Villa Accommodation , anytime and by anyone, but by the end of 1980, when we are planning to choose a name for our small shop which time it will be open in jl.Sulawesi 37, Denpasar (right in front of Pasar Badung - the largest traditional market in Bali), by the trade office, we requested and even required to choose a name for our store, so that our stores can be distinguished with shops others who of course are also or even have a name, such as Toko Sinar Mas, the Free Store, Toko Jaya Abadi, Toko Cheap, Simple and so other shops, but we or I (Joseph Theodorus Wulianadi) who was born on 9 months 9 1951 (on a bed) in the city of Denpasar near Bali Holiday Villas (capital of Bali), which apparently was already accustomed to being "other than the other" (like eccentric) that time as usual or naturally, a subjective, autonomous (independent) and reasonable refused to name our shop with a common name or let alone the smell "public domain". 

And as well as I do, when I rose (for several days) to play the brain (thinking / arguing with myself), contemplate and meditate to fiddling with a few letters or words to be processed into a minimal name should really uniek And it's not just a coincidence that we / Bali Villa Accommodation chose five letters reads JOGER to call our store we will open when it is being taken care of its trading license. Because the combined five-letter reads JOGER it deliberately we made not only because it is truly like no other, but also because of the name / term / sound JOGER it is also a goodwill / intentions / desires / goals / intentions are pure popping in and out from the deepest bottom of our hearts to remember and / or appreciate the kindness Mr.Gerhard Seeger former school friend of my first (in Hotelfachshule, Bad Wiesee, West Germany, 1970) who have donated fresh funds amounting to US $ 20,000 as our wedding gift (my wife and my beloved Ery Kusdarijati) where the name JOGER (letter E was read as "E" in call "GOOD" or "ECONOMY") it is a merger between two letters of the first name I Joseph Theodorus Wulianadi with a three-letter first name Our friend Mr. Gerhard Seeger, where in addition to really reads the new (pure hasiinovasi us / not other people's work / not public domain), different and uniek, it turns out the name of JOGER it was also easy to remember, good to hear, smell manly and we also certainly true -Right like the name and the sound JOGER as Bali Holiday Villas Seminyak know. 

Then starting on January 19, 1981 (the day of birth JOGER), name JOGER it was practical, de facto and completely open (in the forum Publicum) we used to call our store first, because at that time in addition to including it in the license trade Our name has also been directly JOGER we put on shop signs kami.yang this time (ma'af!) is still necessary and still be sounded and smelled westernized, namely "ART & BATIK SHOP JOGER" which we display at the upper front us. And store since it was also actually the name of pure JOGER is modified or created by me / us the start we made, keep, maintain and  moral values, social values, economic and spiritual in our gait as "entrepreneurs the artist "or" artist entrepreneurs "precisely by always being BAJU2RA6BER alias to be kind, honest, friendly, diligent, responsible, courageous, initiative, grateful and so we can be really beneficial not only for ourselves or our store narrowly only, but also beneficial for stakeholders (others) as well as for the environment supposedly equally we love and crave a natural preservation (fair and civilized) and continuous Bali Holiday Villas.

 Thus, before 19 Januari1981sama once there has never been another party who see, hear, wear, interested, concerned, establish, maintain and develop the name JOGER to be and can be a big name and fragrant that even often considered synonymous with T Shirt- T Shirt or T-shirts (T-shirts) and souvenir design with the words uniek / typical Mr. Joger that even though actually had the ability, opportunity and market demand is very big to open branches or expand anywhere, but because they feel and realize that we are not a tree should grow branches, nor a bird that must expand to and there, then since the date of July 7, 1987 (777), in addition to deciding to have only one store located in Jl. Raya Kuta (since the first was without number), Kuta, Bali alone, we also strictly limits the purchase of T-shirts (T-Shirts) JOGER, and also expressly prohibits the sale of all products trademarked, branded JOGER and signed JOGER for perjual traded as a commodity in the ordinary on the outside only our stores that since 1990 we have mentioned as a factory-word JOGER Rich (Jl Raya Kuta, Kuta, Bali). Thank you for your attention and your sympathy on JOGER small and ugly, but healthy and not this evil. 

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Pantai Bias Tugel

Padang Bay in Bali is known as the harbour to Nusa Penida or Lombok. When visiting here, do not rush away. A time to stop by the Coast Bias Tugel watery clear blue, but as hidden because tourists often miss. Padang Bay is where boats to Nusa Penida or leaning Lombok. Many a traveller who visited these ports, but not many who visited beaches nearby.There are two beaches, namely on the right and left the port of Padang Bay. Left the Blue Lagoon, while the right is Tugel Bias. The distance is approximately 1 Km, passing through the streets of a small but pretty good, followed by a walk to the beach.. Especially during the rainy season winds at night. Make sure if you want to vacation in Bali you remember BALIVILLA ACCOMMODATION.
Bias Tugel sand is white and very soft. The water is clear blue. The waves are not too big, so that tourists can swim and snorkel here. The beach was perfect for basking in the sun.Bias Tugel beach, Padang Bay, Bali. This beach was accidentally we found when looking for a snorkel in Padang Bay. From the beginning I was always curious about the snorkel locations in Padang Bay. After finding out here and there, eventually not only snorkel locations in Padang Bay alone I found, also the most beautiful white sand beaches in Bali!. In addition, if you want to enjoy the other attractions that you can go to our place in BALI HOLIDAY VILLAS here you can see so many attractions in Bali. And you can also see a lot of villas - very nice villa in BALI VILLA ACCOMMODATION, you definitely will not be disappointed here Karen villa complete with furniture.

Frankly I have never come across the beach in Bali which has sand that really white clean apart Coast Bias Tugel, so no exaggeration if I call the Coast Bias Tugel as most white sandy beaches in Bali. And do not forget to BALI HOLIDAY VILLAS here we have many things in Bali.

From the top of the hill, looked incredibly unique: a blend of white sandy beaches, waving palm trees, shades of blue sea and ferries that even looks like a cruise ship that was departing to / from the Port field Bay. Not to get to the beach we are very satisfied with enjoying the scenery has long do I have encountered.After coming down from the mountain through the path, came this stepping foot soft white sand beach Bias Tugel. Sea water looked so blue and very clear in the eyes as if teasing me.  Feel free to come and visit us at BALI HOLIDAY VILLAS SEMINYAK to look for beautiful places in Bali. And immediately check VILLA BALI.

Diving with Mola

Bali Sunfish, or Mola -Mola, is one of Earth's most fascinating creatures but mysterious. Sunfish, or Mola-mola, can be found in Area Diving in Bali throughout the year. However, the right time in Bali to see Mola-mola is July to November.
So far, the location to see 'Bali Sunfish' or Mola-mola is in Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Penida. There are several locations where Sunfish commonly seen in large numbers. This location is very varied and require very precise timing and also an experienced guide.
Each time it is important to think about when the right time to see mola- mola (Bali Sunfish). We BALI VILLA ACCOMMODATION give the data on the best date to see mola- mola. Whenever possible you could see the mola -mola but at the date of that date is likely that you can see them more.
Contact us for more information about the program Mola -Mola and Manta Madness dive packages and daily diving program Mola -mola (Bali Sunfish).
Gladly BALI HOLIDAY VILLAS will help you: Please email or call us at BALI VILLA to know many things in Bali.

These guidelines, when made to Bali, applies to any area where a large number of divers interact with Mola -mola in their cleaning activities. The goal of the development of the Code to the interaction of the sunfish is to ensure the sunfish can complete the removal of uninterrupted activity. Elimination of parasites in clean-up activities is very important for fish health Mola-mola. After finding the right place to start the clean-up of parasti, Mola-mola can remain in their places to do this activity for a long time. Hali is providing opportunities divers the opportunity to interact with a better quality.
Between October 2004 and August 2005 in Lembongan / Penida, divers too aggressive periodically disrupt sunfish from cleaning activities (cleaning station) them. This dramatically reduces the interaction of a large number of sunfish that spend their time in near shore and severely limit the amount of their sightings to the divers. 

Bali Villa Accommodation Previous records, collected since the early 1990s (the number of sunfish, sighting and behaviour) shows that in previous years "Mola-mola Bali" is present in much higher amounts. More importantly, the fish seemed calm in the cleaning activities of the sunfish (parasite takes on the body Sunfish). Hopefully, the divers are Nusa Penida will enjoy sighting Sunfish not being aggressive toward these fish when they perform activities to clean-up. Because basically known Sunfish showed no reaction to the observations of divers and remain in their original position for a long time. With so divers can enjoy the natural behaviourMola-mola better with this mysterious giant fish. Mola-mola sightings have given Bali's reputation as a world-class area for diving with Mola-mola or Oceanic Sunfish.

By conducting a series of voluntary guidelines, it is expected that the local dive operators and divers can reduce tourist pressure on the number of Sunfish and allow fish to resume their natural behaviour cleanse themselves, and improve their visit in high numbers as before. Both in quality and safety divers interaction enjoy the unique experience of diving alongside Sunfish can be maintained and increase the number of Mola-mola and reduce their tendency to go away, because the fear of the divers.

BALI HOLIDAY VILLAS SEMINYAKcan suggest you call to find out BALI VILLAS the best time to see Mola- mola and contact us at the BALI HOLIDAY VILLAS to book early this program or other tourist attractions in Bali, and we also provide a villa to stay in Bali. Make sure you book early to ensure you get a place in Bali Sunfish Dive Trips as this our most popular program, and we have limited places to ensure satisfactory service to consumers.

Air Terjun Sekumpul

You must already know, one of the main things that make the island into a tourist destination because of the beautiful white sand beaches and most of the white sand beach in Bali is located in southern Bali. While the northern part of Bali is famous for the hills with nature unspoiled waterfalls, as well as excursions to see the dolphins at Lovina beach. Of course if just want to see a view of the hills, certainly do not need a holiday to Bali. And what about the most beautiful waterfalls in Bali? Or how about the villa or hotel if you want to find a villa for your left in Bali, very easy you just click on BALI HOLIDAY VILLAS SEMINYAK to know it all.
Buleleng North Bali is the place you should visit if you want to see the most beautiful waterfalls in Bali unspoiled. For now waterfall in Bali which again often in talking and being a trend among foreign tourists are waterfalls Sekumpul and into the category of hidden waterfalls in North Bali. You want to know why?
BALI VILLA ACCOMMODATION can make more to know further about Niagara Sekumpul. You must already know, one of the main things that make the island into a tourist destination because of the beautiful white sand beaches and most of the white sand beach in Bali. While the northern part of Bali is famous for the hills with nature unspoiled waterfalls, as well as excursions to see the dolphins at Lovina beach. Of course if just want to see a view of the hills, certainly do not need a holiday to Bali. And what about the most beautiful waterfalls in Bali? Buleleng North Bali is the place you should visit if you want to see the most beautiful waterfalls in Bali unspoiled.

You must ask why should visit the waterfalls Sekumpul in the morning? There is a reason why I advise you to visit the waterfalls Sekumpul in the morning, because of the chance of rain in the morning is smaller than in the afternoon. In the event of rain, would you pass the road becomes slippery and need to be extra careful to pass through the slippery footpath. If you have plans to visit the waterfall village Sekumpul, should prepare a vehicle that is in good condition, because the road to be taken quite steep and winding.
Before doing Sekumpul waterfalltrekking, you have to descend the stairs to reach the waterfall location Sekumpul village. You will be charged entrance fee of IDR 2000 / person for local tourists and IDR. 5,000 / person for foreign tourists. See in BALI VILLA ACCOMMODATION, List Price Admission Tourist Attractions in Bali or price list villa you want. Because BALI HOLIDAY VILLAS has so many types of villa and you can enjoy a stay in the Villa of your choice directly.
Common facilities available at this place is still inadequate, because of the unavailability of public toilets for visitors who want to change clothes after shower in the waterfall. On the way to the waterfall, you can see some houses that are still very traditional with trees surrounded rambutan and durian trees towering. After walking about 10 minutes, you will be able to see a view of terraced rice fields and verdant hills and scenic waterfall from a distance.

To be able to see the waterfall closer you have to have stamina fit, because you have to walk on the trail about 300 meters and down hundreds of steep stairs and cross the river that the water height of approximately thigh adults. If you want to visit the seven waterfalls in the village Sekumpul, we suggest you look for a trekking guide who knows the ins and outs of the area of ​​the waterfall in the village Sekumpul. Want to know trekking video waterfall Sekumpul village Bali? Please click BALI VILLA ACCOMMODATION below! Or you can contact us at BALI HOLIDAY VILLAS.

Sunday 19 July 2015

History Lombok Island

Do You feel the Lombok people? or original Sasak? you should know the origin of the name anyway and your tribe,here is Bali Villa Accommodation start to found the histories because the author is a coincidence , sasak the original and stay in Lombok too, after saw this article in one blog friends, I have an obligation to help to publication origin from which the word LOMBOK and Sasak it originated. Let's look more below.
Bali Holiday Villas try to found The name comes from the island of Lombok Lombok plants or chili spicy taste. Perhaps this opinion adjusted to the current title of the article "Lombok" and also in accordance with the tiny island. Also the name sasak, some have argued, that in antiquity, the person who first came as occupants of Lombok, coming aboard a raft, which means' Sasak ". It can thus, the name is called the Sasak population.And Bali Holiday Villas Seminyak found Another version, called Sasak tribe is derived from Sang Saka. Another article, from a famous poet in the Majapahit era, namely, Prapanca write the name of Lombok, Lombo 'Mirah Sasak Adi "(the late H. Then Lukman).Described is also the opinion that, the name and Lombok Sasak have a close connection, so it can not be separated. He intertwined into one, which comes from the word "Sa'sa Lombo (from Sasak language). Sa 'means one, and Lombo' means straight.

In some literature and books - old books, there is a word Lombo 'written with marks (') ain, do not wear a 'K' at the end letters. While the Portuguese era, said Lombo written by wearing the letter "q" in letters at last, became "Lomboq" and last after the Dutch era, written with the letter "K" on the last letter to be "Lombok".How to call or read it, which is not actually reads "O" in the dialect of Java, but the "o", ie Sa'sa Lombo "which later became Sasak.Lombok ', which means the only Therefore, the name of Lombo' this stand-alone and always hand . Now Bali Villa Accommodation understand, Then why then the word "Sasak" made the name of the tribe who inhabited this island, and the word "Lombok" used as the name of the island? Indeed, between the population and the island they live is could not separated. 

Because, these two words have a connection .Both these words for the people of Lombok has a broad meaning, and even become the philosophy for its residents "Sa'sa" Lombo '"which means letterlijk" sole straightness ", because the name is a source of life and living sasak who inhabit this island ,Sasak language is very simple :Zdak there is a word or name objects, most consist of two SUKU. If said no words of more than two parts, of course, come from the outside, such as a window, the flag (Portuguese).In dialect, in Lombok there are many different dialects logak or, if counted dozens dialeg contained in the island is from the east end to the west end of the island is, even so many that there are some dialeg from the inside of the village rarely heard, even fellow chili was not know what it means. heheh weird right .. and do not uncommon problem you find this dialeg occur between one village to another village that might just adjacent to the river, ditch, could change dialeg used, but of the many dialeg used the actual meaning of the language used mostly the same.

Similarly, to get a name, his mind is very simple, for example, to search for a name in a developing country, is never hard to find the name of the new village with a name sounding muluk.Cukup add the word "east" or "west" , for example, the name Chakra solution Timur. inside then called it "the village of West Chakra" . Or if by chance in that place stood a tree, for example tamarind tree, then look for the name of the hamlet, pretty in called "Dasan Bagik" (Bagik = acid). that's it also to find new names of new objects in unfamiliarity, which come from outside, for example ducks imported from Java, then simply called "Duck Java", "Cow Bali" and others. Bali Villa Accommodation In terms of life and community life, Sasak also relied on Sa'sa 'Lombo', as espoused mirror Because simplicity is precisely what leads him to surrender to God (Tawheed) .Taat to god, obey the government and obey the old in the broad sense of the word.From the description of the above matters that concluded, name and Lombok Sasak tribe is derived from "Sa'sa 'Lombo'" which later became Sasak for the name of the tribe that inhabit it and Lombok to the name of the island that now we know the name pulauLombok, Island Thousand Mosques.

Sukawati Traditional Bali Market

when Bali Villa Accommodation Talk of shopping in Bali, then it feels incomplete if you do not discuss the Sukawati Art Market and Guwang. Why Sukawati and Guwang? Given the art market is already so popular among domestic and foreign tourists. At both locations the market is the place to buy various goods Balinese handicrafts and cheap. Relatively cheapDo not worry about the prices of goods in both locations. Although Bali is also famous tourist attraction to foreign countries, but did not make a set price in both markets necessarily expensive. Sukawati market is located approximately 30 km from the capital Denpasar, or about 40 minutes from Kuta. The location is very easy to find because it is located on the edge of the highway where the access Sukawati Denpasar and Gianyar.when we Bali holiday villas and the group come from the direction of Denpasar, the art market is located on the left of the road and on the right path there is a traditional market. The art market is much once assembled traders who sell a lot of handicrafts, starting from painting, t-shirts, carved wooden statues, sandals, bags, and various other art items. Motive was very unique and distinctive, which patterned and patterned Bali. It is obviously very easy and pamper visitors.

Although the price is cheap, but that does not mean there is also no bargain. Principles that could be cheaper why not negotiable actually applied by the visitors. Bali holiday villas Seminyak see For that reason, his habit of traders opened their goods fairly high price. The buyer did not want to lose the momentum to bid. Usually they immediately dropped the price of the goods it chooses half of it. But, although allowed to bargain freely, so you bid and approved, then you can not cancel it.
Sukawati art market caused frequent traffic jams and overcrowded, then built a kind that the art market is located Guwang Art Market certainly not far away with Sukawati. The exact location is about 2 kilometers south of Sukawati.Art goods sold here are also similar to those in Sukawati art market. The price also take into-take into. Bali traditional clothes, craft handbags, slippers, bed cover, a shirt with a motif of Bali, pants, and more, are all the same as those displayed in Sukawati Art Market.

Here is the famous traditional market, so that's why from Bali Villas always suggest this place to Visit when you have holiday in Bali. not only culture, but here you can faound something interesting that's you will not found it at the another place. so never forget visit this plcae when you visit Bali.